
Working closely with its partners and trading associates, IPG has invested in Terminals in key locations providing the logistics that support its marketing activities and are economically viable. This enhances IPG's asset base, trading capabilities and helps achieve the objective of income diversification.

So far, the Group has invested approximately US$ 150 million as the Group's share of investment in a total storage capacity of 5.3 million cubes of storage terminals operating in the Middle East, Africa, the Mediterranean and Asia. The Company also has shareholding in an 82-kilometer pipeline in Asia.

In addition, the Group participates effectively in close coordination with its partners, in monitoring and following up projects under construction as well as developing new projects for its Joint Venture and Associate Companies

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    D&K Holdings: (L.L.C.) – UAE (IPG share 100%)

    D&K Holdings LLC is the shipping arm of IPG. The Company owns and operates 3 petroleum product vessels which are fully utilized by IPG.

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    A Bottling & Distribution Facility for of LPG Cylinders. The facility has bottling capacity of 5,000 cylinders per day along with a captive storage of 400 m3 for bulk LPG.

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    Uniterminals – Lebanon (IPG share 50%)

    Uniterminals markets petroleum products in Lebanon. It owns and operates a petroleum product storage terminal with a capacity of 74,000 cubic meters.

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    IPG-Galp Beira Terminal Limitada (IGBTL), Beira, Mozambique (IPG share 45%)

    IGBTL owns and operates a hydrocarbon storage facility in the Port Beira Mozambique, with a capacity of 65,000 cbm along with other logistical facilities.
    Other shareholders are:
    1. Petrogal Mozambique Lda, (part of Galp Energia SGPS, SA, Portugal)
    2. SPI – Gestão e Investimento, S.A.R.L.

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    Galp–IPG Matola Terminal Limitada (GIMTL) Matola, Mozambique (IPG share 45%)

    GIMTL owns and operates a hydrocarbon storage facility (Liquid & LPG) in the Port Matola Mozambique with a capacity of 66,000 cbm.
    Other shareholders are:
    1. Petrogal Mozambique Lda, (part of Galp Energia SGPS, SA, Portugal)
    2. SPI – Gestão e Investimento, S.A.R.L.

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    Inpetro SARL, Beira – Mozambique (IPG share 40%)

    Inpetro owns and operates petroleum products storage terminal in Port Beira, Mozambique with a storage capacity of 95,000 cubic meters constructed in 2006.
    Other shareholders:
    1. PETROMOC – National Oil Company of the Republic of Mozambique
    2. NOIC - National Oil Infrastructure Company of Zimbabwe (Pvt.) Limited

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    Arabtank Terminals Ltd (ATT), Yanbu – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (IPG share 36.5%)

    ATT owns and operates a storage facility of 288,300 cubic meters of which 223,500 cubic meters is for petroleum products and 64,800 cubic meters is for chemical products. The facility is connected by pipeline to Samref Refinery, Yanbu. It is also connected to Farabi Petrochemical Company for intermediate storage of chemical products.
    Other shareholders are:
    1. Emirates National Oil Company (ENOC)
    2. Saudi Arabian Refining Company (SARCO)

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    Horizon Tangiers Terminals SA (HTTSA) – Morocco (IPG share 32.5%)

    HTTSA owns and operates a storage and bunkering terminal of 533,000 cubic meters for clean and black petroleum products at Port Tangiers, Morocco under a 25-year Concession Agreement with Tangier Med Port Authority (TMPA).
    Other shareholders are:
    1. Horizon Terminals Limited (HTL), 100% subsidiary of Emirates National Oil Company (ENOC)
    2. Afriquia SMDC

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    Horizon Djibouti Holdings Limited (HDHL) – Djibouti (IPG share 22.22%)

    HDHL owns 90 % of the Horizon Djibouti Terminals Limited (HDTL), with the remaining (10%) owned by Govt. of Djibouti. HDTL owns and operates the terminal that has a storage capacity of 371,000 cubic meters.
    Other shareholders are:
    1. Horizon Terminals Limited (HTL)
    2. Net Support Holdings Limited (NSHL)
    3. Essense Management Limited (EML)

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    Horizon Singapore Terminals Pty. Ltd. (HSTPL)– Singapore (IPG share 15%)

    HSTPL owns and operates the terminal with a storage capacity of 1.2 million cubic meters and four jetties.
    Other shareholders are:
    1. Horizon Terminals Limited (HTL)
    2. Boreh International Limited (BIL)
    3. South Korea Energy Asia Pte. Limited (SK)
    4. Martank BV (MBV)

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    Asia Petroleum Limited (APL) – Pakistan (IPG share 12.5%)

    APL owns and operates an 82 Kilometer petroleum products pipeline in Pakistan. The pipeline runs from Zulfiqarabad terminal at Pipri, Karachi to Baluchistan to transport Fuel Oil for HUBCO Power Plant.
    Other shareholders are:
    1. Pakistan State Oil (PSO)
    2. Asia Infrastructure Ltd of Singapore (AIL)
    3. VECO International of USA (VECO)

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    Vopak Horizon Fujairah Limited (VHFL) – UAE (IPG share 11.11%)

    VHFL owns and operates the storage terminal in Fujairah, U.A.E. with a storage capacity of 2.6 million cubic meters.
    Other shareholders are:
    1. VOPAK Oil Logistics Europe & Middle East B.V. of Netherlands (VOPAK)
    2. Horizon Terminals Limited (HTL)
    3. The Government of Fujairah